
On Sep 27, Google made an announcement that Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) deployed today for Chinese-to-English translations. GNMT looks at the sentence as a whole and advances accuracy about 60% on average over the old phrase-based machine translation (PBMT), including on notoriously difficult Chinese-to-English translations. GNMT is (3)far and away the most effective to successfully enhance machine learning in translation, and it is the first translation to bring out to the Google Translate mobile and web apps.

固然我們更等候有聲音的翻譯機器,而非僅書面翻譯。一個價錢公道的穿著式即時口譯翻譯機,會是打破國界藩籬、加快全球化,今世最具損壞性立異科技的商品 翻譯社

Fast Company的報道中說明,人在翻譯文章或者白話表達時,必然是先讀完全句子才能理解意思。但對電腦來說,那並非件輕易的事─部分原因是實在占用太多資源了。所以Google翻譯一直以來只好委曲地個體翻譯部份句子、文句、片語。

Fastcompany.com explains that If you are translating text or speech, it seems obvious that you should read a whole sentence before figuring out what it means. But this hasnt been so easy for computers─in part because the work (1)sucks up so many resources. So Google Translate has had to (2)get by with looking at pieces of sentences 翻譯公司 words, and phrases, and translating them individually.

Indeed 翻譯公司 we expect a translator that uses voice rather than text. Wearable real-time translators at affordable prices could be one of the most (4)disruptive technologies in the modern time, (5)smashing national boundaries, and accelerating globalization.

9月27日,Google宣布把神經機械翻譯系統利用在「中文翻譯英文」中。神經機械翻譯系統與過去片語機器翻譯分歧,不再是單字與詞語拆開來理解,而是考量整段句子寄義,即使難度極高的「中文翻譯英文」平均準確度也提高60%。在翻譯範疇,神經機械翻譯是今朝效力最高 翻譯機械學習,這也是Google 翻譯首次將GNMT應用在手機與網路apps 翻譯社(註:機器進修是人工聰明成長 翻譯一環,讓機械可以自主學習並增強演算法,是人類與電腦智慧的連系;Google想藉由機械學習去代替全部舊的系統,而非唯一改良系統)

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新聞摘錄機械翻譯科技的領頭羊Google翻譯(Google Translate),能處置懲罰100種說話,廣泛99%網路利用者 翻譯社今年9月底,Google突破性地把神經機械翻譯(GNMT)手藝整合在對機器來講翻譯難度很高的「中文翻譯英文」,使得翻譯品質更接近人類翻譯。Google說,將來10年內,只要戴上耳機,就可以翻譯任何語言,它會如何做到?若是它做得更好,會不會今後翻譯、口譯都要轉行了?


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