
The book introduces tips to improve your luck in love pursuits, income 翻譯公司 scholastic efforts, health and career etc through the application of Feng Shui in the office, costume selection, furniture layout etc..  

英語會話、出差、德律風、演講、協商— 用1200個英語單詞就能輕鬆搞定 翻譯社

Guan Jia-Qi 翻譯公司 born 1960, is considered as one of the leading writers of children books in the Chinese communities worldwide.  She worked as a reporter until 1960 when she quitted the job and switched to a full time writing career, majoring in books for young children. 

To be able to enjoy a “super good life” may be the dream of many of us.  The thought looms even more heavily when one is at a low point in our life or career.  Understandably, not every one of us is graced with good fortune from birth.  One will have to depend on hard work and a bit of luck to be successful.
觀光家郭世拉在周遊世界的途中碰到 翻譯心靈醫治師們,和記錄著他們的呢喃細語的《對人生的禮儀》。作者卒業于名門大學,也是告白撰稿員,但她卻仍不滿足於現狀。有一天,她辭去了原本的職業,打著“在任何地方都受歡迎 翻譯無業遊民”的燈號,最先了自己的世界之旅…… 這本書中記錄著作者在環遊世界的途中碰到 翻譯18位心靈治療師的採訪內容,不僅可以或許輔助我們尋回一時疏忽而落空的平常中最珍貴幸福 翻譯時刻及人生的真正價值,且會通過笑聲和打動改變我們看待生活的態度。 ...繼續浏覽

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《魔術錢包》— 關於財富與錢包 翻譯的六個故事


The accompanying MP3 provides lessons of readings with 3 different ‘speaking speeds’.  Exercise for ‘Listen & Translate’ and “Listen & Write’ are also provided with the book.

簡 介


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《對人生 翻譯禮節》

Guan Jia-Qi, born 1960, is considered as one of the leading writers of children books in the Chinese communities worldwide.  She worked as a reporter until 1960 when she quitted the job and switched to a full time writing career, majoring in books for young children. 

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May 5,2009

《Simple Graphic Guide for Grammar》

TW Books > Language                   (Licensed to Thailand)
習慣是固執的 翻譯社正因為固執,所以需要好的習慣在身上,才可以看到成功 翻譯道路。藐小的一個習慣,把不可能變成可能,呼喊成功。還有呼喚人生 翻譯奇蹟。極爲尋常和比他人稍微有些不足的人,按照若何培育自己的習慣,開闢成功 翻譯人生。 

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May 7 翻譯公司2009

《The Master of Translation Showing You the Skills in English Listening》

Introduction of Author


翻譯社雖然每天都在和錢包打交道,雖然也是以得到別人的尊敬,可是他們的錢包卻始終都是乾癟的。有一天,遽然有六名富豪找到了他們,並向他們透露本身若何填滿錢包 翻譯奧秘。 本書的兩個主角具有了出眾 翻譯資質、崇高高貴 翻譯技術和非常的熱情,可是他們卻對生涯近況束手無策。他們的遭受其實也是我們大部份人的遭受,在誠實和賣力工作方面涓滴不亞於其他人,奢靡糊口和過度消費更是毗連觸都沒有接觸。

Introduction of Author

The author is telling young readers to be brave to face ourselves, to speak out 翻譯公司 to say no to any wrongdoings, to face and to overcome hardship, and to challenge what is often taken for granted.  Readers should also have the courage to admit any mistake or wrongdoings.  Courage is something without which days might go on as usual, but once you possess the ‘courage’ 翻譯公司 life will be entirely different and rewarding.

金陽秀:卒業于延世大學大學院(碩士)和高麗大學大學院(理學博士),曾擔負松都醫院活動處方科長,多次出演《任何問題都可以隨時發問》和《好奇心天堂》等節目,努力把關於增高的常識和處方常識發佈於眾。她利用十年的血汗,經由潛心研究終究獨創出了增高節目“KINESS增高法”,並開辟出了與之匹配 翻譯各類活動器材。 KINESS增高法”這個詞和我們身旁那些常見的理論用語有很大的區分,它並不是由外國 翻譯學者研究出來且以他們的名字定名的。金昌奎教授提出:後代的身高若是不想和怙恃 翻譯身高類似的話,最主要的身分就是成長環境,而成長情況首要是由成長期間均衡的攝取營養、做合適本身的活動、緩解精神壓力和充足的睡眠構成。“KINESS”是一種新型 翻譯增高法,它是金傳授 翻譯英文名第一個字母K和構成成長情況的四要素的英文 翻譯縮寫 翻譯社即,營養 (Nutrition) N、活動(Exercise) E、精神壓力(Stress) S、睡眠(Sleep) S——KINESS ...繼續浏覽

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The book provides a collection of acts to be avoided
翻譯公司 as well as proper ways to deal with same 翻譯公司 during certain festivals, daily routines and on trips.  Such undesirable acts include those collected from Chinese cultures, indigenous and western traditions.

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《The White Stock》

國外書介> 心理勵志

Introduction of Author
翻譯魅力是文字與圖(漫畫)各半,容易浏覽,而且可以獲得淡淡 翻譯教訓。其實不長 翻譯文章和圖畫中,有完全不克不及代替的人生和關於成功的資訊。 ...繼續浏覽

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國外書介 > 心理勵志

Basically, Feng Shui emphasizes on harmony between man and nature.  In fact
翻譯公司 this also includes harmony between individuals as well as between groups of people.  The book is divided into three main sections focusing on Feng Shui for the practical needs of modern day lives: