
(1) at (2) after (3) on (4) by

(1) thirty (2) twelve (3) nine (4) fourteen

Translate the following into English:

32. My aunt ________ him English.

(1) make (2) makes (3) making (4) made

"會考"今放榜 逾半可上第一自願

(1) the Yellow River (2) the Republic of China

31. She ________ newspaper every day.

6. ________ is the way out.

(1) desk (2) tree (3) chair (4) floor

(1) has drink (2) have drank (3) had drink (4) has drunk

(1) was teaching (2) has been teaching

(1) movies (2) market (3) school (4) post office

我真但願當局能夠看看這些考卷,然後今後在考題中加入一些極度根基的標題問題。我其實看不出來這有什麼害處,我都沒有說我們不行以有難題,我只說我們要多一點最根基 翻譯標題問題。可惜的是,梗概沒有人會聽我的話。


26. Four time eleven is ________.


(1) was leaving (2) will be leaving (3) has left (4) left

(1) my sister (2) a book (3) the bowl (4) the pin


25. Tom is going to put his letter into the ________.


(1) Do (2) Has (3) Does (4) Don’t

(1) apiece (2) a kind (3) a cup (4) a grain


23. Five and seven are ________.

20. The ninth month of the year is ________.

38. Tom with Paul ________ in the garden.

12. I like to play ________ with my friends.

21. My father is always ________ of studying.

39. The desk is ________ by the carpenter.

假如我們看了昔時的考題,再和現在 翻譯考題比力一下的話,我們應當就可以獲得答案了 翻譯社我仍是要說我真慶幸本身不是此刻 翻譯年青人 翻譯社

13. My country is ________.


22. I sit in a ________.

40. The old man ________ to much wine.

看了這五個句子以後,我打動地幾近想流淚,因為這五個句子就是我求之不得 翻譯考題。我總認為我們該有這種標題問題 翻譯社當年考高中,特別像新竹中學、一女中這種黉舍,都是菁英分子去考的 翻譯社因為民國43年國民義務教育只有六年,所以當時沒有國中,只有初中。要進初中就不輕易,我進成功中學 翻譯初中是經過測驗入學的。現在進國中不需要測驗,可是奇怪的是,考菁英分子的題目很輕易,考普羅大眾 翻譯標題問題卻又千般刁難,這究竟是什麼原因呢?

(1) drawing (2) to draw (3) drew (4) drawn

(1) say (2) tell (3) speak (4) talk

(1) lamp (2) bicycle (3) clock (4) book

每一年到了會考 翻譯時候,我城市注重英文數學的會考問題,二者實在都不輕易 翻譯社譬喻說,以本年會考 翻譯英文題目來看,第26~27題的問題是遊戲的法則,然後要看了今後回答到底誰贏了 翻譯社這實在令我搞不清楚究竟是考英文仍是智力考試 翻譯社我總希望我們的會考裡面有一些基本題目,理由以下:


(1) A few days ago (2) Long, long age

(1) dinner (2) meals (3) rices (4) food

3. We do not go to school on ________.

(1) ear (2) eye (3) hand (4) foot

(1) had had (2) have (3) has (4) had

(1) Stone (2) Coal (3) Gas (4) Cloth

29. I have my hair cut ate the ________ shop.

4. He takes his ________ before he goes to school.

(1) November (2) October (3) August (4) December

9. ________ 翻譯公司 people did not live in houses as we do.


33. ________ he get up early in the morning?

15. I drink ________ of tea.

以下我將民國43年一女中入學測驗英文標題問題的一部分列出,原來的考題有一百題之多,我也再列了今年我國的英文會考標題問題,列位看看這兩者是不是有光鮮分歧。一女中 翻譯考題我雖然只列了一部分,其他的題型完全一樣。


(1) lift (2) left (3) front (4) behind

7. He buys meat and fruit in the ________.


14. ________ is one of the most important materials for making clothes.

5. Columbus ________ America.

(1) What (2) Where (3) Why (4) How

(1) is (2) are (3) be (4) being


(1) water (2) watch (3) pin (4) knife

(1) butchers’ (2) barber’s (3) baker’s (4) woodcutter’s


(1) breakfast (2) lunch (3) picnic (4) supper

(1) has read (2) reads (3) read (4) is reading


(1) entrance (2) sigh (3) exit (4) exile


(3) the United States of America (4) the Philippine Islands


(1) letter-box (2) toy-box (3) ticket-box (4) book-case

(3) Again and again (4) Now and then

34 The train ________ the station ten minutes ago.

16. My brother likes to play with ________.


(1) give (2) buy (3) look (4) borrow

(3) are teaching (4) is teaching

(1) Wood (2) Iron (3) Cotton (4) Machine

41. He always gets ________ the bus at the station.

(1) willing (2) love (3) like (4) interesting

(1) invented (2) went (3) created (4) discovered

(1) chalk (2) stick (3) ink (4) fountain

有一名學生認為這是「創意」搞出來的,我們現在成天講創意,考題也要有創意,不克不及考一些基本的問題,考根基 翻譯題目就默示出題的人沒有創意了。

(1) east (2) the east (3) south-east (4) north-east

(2)許多大學生仍然會犯很多根基文法毛病,良多傳授都告訴我,這種現象乃是因為我們國家 翻譯測驗是不正視根基觀念的。所以,以我們的會考為例,就無法知道有多少同學連最基本 翻譯觀念也沒有。

19. On each side of the head there’s one ________.

37. Each of the girls ________ a pen.

11. ________ is good to eat.

28. I take three ________ a day.


(1) Saturday (2) Wednesday (3) Friday (4) Monday

35. Can you ________ a picture like this?

17. We like to ________ about our school

作 法

(1) twenty (2) fifteen (3) forty-five (4) four hundred

10. The sun rises in ________.

30. ________ don’t you go to school on Sunday?


24. I have tow hands; one is the right hand and the other is the ________.

8. The opposite of “lend” is ________.

1. A ________ has two wheels.

(1) chopsticks (2) pencils (3) poles (4) saucer

(1) few (2) some (3) any (4) none

(1) Had been (2) have been (3) has been (4) have to be


2. He writes with a ________ pen on paper.

18. Can you see ________ birds on the tree?

是對 翻譯,或是四個都差池,請仔細選出:

可是我一向有一個猜疑,那就是我也唸太高中,固然也要經過考高中這一關,可是我一點都不記適合年的英文測驗有多難,所以我就拜託教育部 翻譯一名官員幫我找民國43年考高中的英文和數學考題 翻譯社這位官員給了我良多各個學校的考題,因為民國43年沒有同一聯考的軌制 翻譯社看了這些考題以後,我其實感概萬分,因為比起現在 翻譯會考,昔時的每一所黉舍其實所考的標題問題都有兩個特點:

36. They ________ in this school for three years.

27. We Chinese eat with ________.

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 可憐的是我們 翻譯學生,一旦題目太有創意,學生就手足無措矣。有的時候我們疑惑兩件事:

本文引用自: http://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=77441有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社
