

韓森的muppet於1969年初次在美國兒童節目「芝麻街」亮相,後來更成為一系列電視節目和電影的明星,包孕「大田雞布偶秀」(the muppet show)翻譯迪士尼公司買下muppet版權後,拍成「布偶歷險記」(the muppets)等片子翻譯


zari has multicolored hair and wears a head scarf with her school uniform. she will appear only in the afghan version of the children's television show, called "baghch-e-simsim," which translates to "sesame garden."

she will appear speaking directly to viewers, interacting with children in person and interviewing a variety of afghan professionals.


it is produced in kabul and features live-action films about the traditions and culture of life in afghanistan. zari is played by a local afghan performer, toscano said.




new muppet helps give afghan girls role model


the debut of the character is notable in a country that imposes strict limits on women's lifestyles and rights. there have been efforts to improve conditions for afghan women since the fall of the taliban government 14 years ago, but many of the gains are seen as fragile.

the director of communications for sesame workshop, philip toscano, said the muppet was based on research aiming to develop a character that would resonate with viewers.

the new muppet is a way for children of both sexes to identify with a strong young character翻譯社 sherrie westin, the executive vice president of global impact and philanthropy for sesame workshop, said in an interview.

(christopher mele, 紐約時報,田思怡譯)

文中的muppet(布偶)第一個字母大寫,是專有名詞,本來專指韓森(jim henson)1955年締造的一群滑稽、逗趣的布偶,muppet這個字也是韓森所創,連系marionette(牽線木偶)和puppet(木偶)。

「芝麻街」節目推出的第一個阿富汗布偶「查莉」。 圖/歐新社
「芝麻街」節目推出的第一個阿富汗布偶「查莉」翻譯 圖/歐新社
"sesame street" has introduced its first afghan muppet翻譯社 and she has a mission. the hope is that the muppet, called zari翻譯社 will become a strong role model for girls in a country with a poor record of promoting women's rights, according to the production company sesame workshop.

圖/歐新社" title="「芝麻街」節目推出的第一個阿富汗布偶「查莉」。」



賦權(empowerment)這個字經常使用於女權運動,意思是提拔女性的自立性和社會參與。情感健康福祉(emotional well-being)也是現代流行用語,因為現代人壓力大,需要留意情感健康。

zari is the latest in the show's lineup of international characters, which includes muppets in mexico, germany翻譯社 bangladesh, egypt and many other countries.

阿富汗的女權紀錄極差,最著名的例子是時期雜誌2010年以被削鼻的阿富汗少女艾莎為封面。艾莎(aesha maohammadzai)12歲被迫嫁給神學士兵士,遭到丈夫和夫家荼毒,18歲試圖逃跑時,慘遭丈夫割下耳鼻翻譯

這篇報道的主角是在阿富汗播出的「芝麻街」締造的一個阿富汗少女布偶「查莉」,透過這個腳色來灌輸阿富汗兒童有關女孩的賦權、健康和情感健康福祉(girl's empowerment, health and emotional well-being)翻譯

zari will appear in each episode, toscano said. the first of the 26 new episodes, which are 25 minutes each翻譯社 aired last thursday. the u.s. state department has helped fund each of the five seasons of the show in afghanistan.






"it's a way of making sure we are not just teaching but we are modeling, which is very powerful翻譯社" she said翻譯社 adding that research has found that depictions of confident, educated girls have helped shaped boys' opinions as well. "we know children learn best when they can identify themselves with characters on the screen."



zari, whose name means "shimmering翻譯社" is an eager 6-year-old who will focus on girls' empowerment翻譯社 health and emotional well-being, the production company said.

"we've been in afghanistan for five years翻譯社" he said. "in our effort to create more content, and relevant content, this was a natural step in production."

引用自: https://udn.com/news/story/6948/1649304-%E8%8A%9D%E9%BA%BB%E8%A1%97%E9%98%BF%E5%AF%8C%E6%B1%97%E5%B8有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社
